Oracle Commerce V11 – Some high-level changes

ORACLE COMMERCE V11 – What’s in it for you? Below are some of the feature enhancements for both Business & Technical communities. Where can I find ORACLE COMMERCE in eDelivery ? You should look out for a new product called “Oracle Commerce” in eDelivery – should be available in couple of weeks for downloads. Updated […]

Endeca – Check Status of Endeca Application

In order to check the status of an Endeca Application – you can use the “Runcommand –print-status” command/flag @ the command prompt on Windows or “./ –print-status” on Linux. In the below sample, it shows the DGraphA1 & LogServer are running, whereas other reporting services, forge, partialforge, dgidx etc are not.

Endeca – Configuring the User Inactivity Logout

CONFIGURING THE WORKBENCH USER INACTIVITY LOGOUT PROPERTIES You must have observed while using the Endeca workbench that the workbench @ http://localhost:8006 automatically logs you out of the environment with a message hinting about the expiration of session due to inactivity for a period of time. So, basically there is a default value set that comes […]

Oracle Endeca Pipeline – Introduction [video]

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Oracle ATG Social Integration – Janrain | ATG Extension

Overview Janrain provides a Saas (Software-as-a-Service) solution through a ready-made plug-in for ATG commerce/storefront integration that brings full capabilities to board such as social login, social sharing, and hosted integration for cross-platform strategy. As an ATG customer, you can utilize social login as a source of verified social profile data, received during login which can […]

Oracle ATG Social Integration – Gigya Module for ATG

Gigya provides an ATG Module that handles the integration with the core Oracle ATG engine. Visual aspects, including JSP, site navigation, and method of implementation are dependent on customer implementation of the website. In order to install and integrate the Gigya ATG Module you need to: Download the Gigya ATG Module @ Gigya-OE ATG Create […]