Using Direct Mail - PR Series

When you want someone to get a message, sometimes the simplest thing to do is send a letter. Millions of direct mail pieces fill mail boxes across the  country every single day - just for that reason of simplicity.

I'm sure we all share the same pain and grumble "junk mail" and are tired tearing those off on day-2-day basis. Still, we all find something useful (coupons, offers, deals, specials etc...) once in a blue moon.

Probably the only people who would truly appreciate the importance of sending direct mail are business owners (individuals, small, medium, and large - in short every business owner). Others appreciate when they find something useful as mentioned above.

Before creating a direct mail campaign you need to consider 2 things: 1) whom you want to receive the mail piece, and 2) how to get the uniqueness of your product or service and send the  message across. How you want your message to be delivered?

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