Tutorial on KissInsights

Key driver for this tutorial - "I am quite impressed with the concept of this product Kissinsights.com and the problem area it is trying to solve with the level of simplicity"

STEP # 1 - Registration to kissinsights.com

Visit website www.kissinsights.com and  fill-in the form for free sign-up with kissInsights. While signing-up with Kissinsights you will have to specify what is the type of your website... a blog... or product selling ecommerce website etc... Since, the type of survey that you can present on your website will ultimately depend on the nature of your website, make sure you select relevant category to work this in your favor.

KISSInsights Home Page

STEP # 2- Login to KissInsights dashboard

KISSInsights Login

STEP # 3 - Create new survey

KISSInsights Survey

STEP # 4 - Select the type of Survey you want to show up on your website

KISSInsights Survey Type

Configure the survey further to specify which parts of website it should be displayed (applicable to), and how frequently you want the responses to be sent to you. 

Remember - for the FREE account, you can get a max of 30 responses per survey, and you can create unlimited surveys. For, more responses you will have to upgrade the account to paid version.

Also, you can have only one survey per URL. (Natural rule)

KISSInsights Survey 2

STEP # 5 - Once, the survey is created, now is the time to install the code on your website / page.

KISSInsights Survey

Click on "Install Code" button on your dashboard in order to receive the CODE snippet that you need to PASTE immediately after the <Body> tag on your web page, in order for it to take effect.

KISSInsights Code Install

KISSInsights One time Setup

STEP # 6 - Check it out - Live in action

Tools that reveal why people abandon website(s)

Official Google Definition - Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites

Crazy Egg shows you where everyone has clicked, whether it was on a link or not – this highlights usability errors and often areas which could result in an improvement in conversions. Crazy Egg has a number of features, but there are two I like to use. The first one is the most popular feature, the heatmap. Another feature that is particularly good is confetti, this feature allows you to segment clicks according to various metrics – and for SEO the most useful is probably the clicks by keyword.

ClickTale is the industry leader of In Page Web Analytics, providing businesses with unparalleled insights into their visitors’ entire online experience. Unlike traditional web analytics that monitors visitor movement between pages, ClickTale’s web analytics solution focuses on what visitors do inside the web pages themselves

Survey Monkey is an online easy-to-use tool for the creation of online surveys. Its primary strength is its intuitive Web interface, which makes it easy for even non-technical folks to create surveys and export collected data. It has advanced features, like the ability to branch questions based on response and exporting to different formats, including HTML, CVS and SQL.

KISS Insights (I really like this product) - Check it out

KISSinsights gives your customers a way to tell you what they need. Ask a question (or two) and your customers will see it slide up from the bottom right-hand corner of your site. It’s so quick to respond that many of your customers will!

In simple words, Ethnio lets you "Recruit people from your website for research". Personally, I liked the concept. Check it out. 

Video on Website Conversions

A 30 minute presentation with Q&A covering essential facts relating to shopping cart abandonment and online form and registration process abandonment. 

Website Conversion @ Yahoo! Video

Cart abandoners spend 55% more « Website Conversion Blog

New research shows that email remarketing drives higher order values, showing increases of as much as 55%, and that the majority of customers who are going to buy as a result of a remarketing campaign, will do so within 24 hours of abandoning a purchase.

Email Marketing Trends You Can't Ignore in 2011

(Below is an excerpt from SilverPop.com Webinar page)

While social and mobile seem to get the buzz today, email is still the No. 1 e-commerce traffic driver. A survey by ForeSee Results found that 19 percent of 2010 holiday shoppers came to a website primarily because of a promotional email, while 8 percent arrived via search engine results and only 5 percent used social media.

However, social and mobile will have a huge impact on email marketing in 2011. According to a 2010 Nielsen study, email is now the No. 1 activity on mobile devices, while falling to No. 3 on PCs behind social networking and gaming.
With integrated and social inboxes coming from Facebook, AOL and others, the year will be a challenging one for email marketers. However, these hurdles can become powerful competitive advantages with the right approach and email program.

In this free Webinar, Silverpop evangelist Loren McDonald will outline several key trends and their implications for email marketing in 2011 and provide tips for successfully addressing them.
Among the trends Loren will cover:
  • Social media/networks affecting subscriber expectations from email
  • More consumers accessing email via mobile devices
  • The emergence of the integrated and social inbox
  • Consumers becoming even more "channel choosy"
  • The increasingly fierce battle for the digital marketing budget
  • Growing consumer concerns over privacy and personal data use
  • ISPs/consumers increasing their expectations for "relevant emails."

The 5 Best Techniques for Recovering Abandoned Shopping Carts with Email and Social Media

Presented by Silverpop and SeeWhy

  • How to write compelling emails that are proven to recover shopping cart abandoners
  • How to use Twitter and Facebook to convert social visitors into customers

The ROI of Remarketing

Wondering how you can boost your marketing ROI...fast?
Remarketing is the answer. Learn:

  • Popular remarketing methods the top companies are using today and the ROI you can expect
  • Ways to tune your remarketing emails to maximize open rates
  • How to use social media, like Facebook and Twitter, for remarketing
  • The best times to remarket to convert the most customers

Email Remarketing and Compliance Webinar

This webinar provides you with:

  • Overview on CAN-SPAM rules & EU Privacy Directives on shopping cart & web form recovery emails
  • Summary of different countries' opt-in and opt-outpolicies & what they mean for you
  • Example implementations

Presenters: Ruth Boardman, Joint Head of International Privacy and Data Protection Group at Bird & Bird & Charles Nicholls, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at SeeWhy.

Click here to watch the Webinar

Reasons Why Website Visitors Abandoned their Shopping Carts « Website Conversion Blog

Last year, 154 million people in the U.S. made online purchases amounting to $155.2 billion in sales, or approximately $1000 each, according to recent Forrester research. But these are just the ones that made it through the process: ever since the very first online purchase in 1979, significantly more people abandoned shopping carts than complete their purchases.

Tech-Savvy Consumers Drive Up Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates « Website Conversion Blog

As more website visitors become more experienced online, even more visitors will abandon their shopping carts, and online comparison shopping will become ever more commonplace.

Website Magazine - Resource Center

White Papers, Webinars, and Videos: 

This information is made available to Website Magazine’s audience courtesy of our sponsors and is free of charge. By registering and downloading a white paper or video, you may be contacted by our sponsor.

Get access to White Papers, Webinars, and Videos - Click Know more than your competitors with Website Magazine

New to email marketing or VerticalResponse? No worries - Watch this presentation

Whether you're an email marketing pro or just starting out, VerticalResponse lets you create, send and track professional-looking emails quickly and affordably.

Also, you can watch/register this DEMO/Webinar(s) 

  1. Getting Started with VerticalResponse
  2. Nurturing New Sign ups - Subscriber to Customer 
  3. Learn to Build Your Email List 
  4. Creating a Successful Email Newsletter 101

Watch this presentation

Constant Contact - Social Media Marketing Made Simple for Small Businesses

Watch this presentation

Create and send eye-catching HTML email campaigns in minutes!


Collect email addresses of your site visitors with a "join my list" signup on your website. Then, easily create and send compelling email newsletters, promotions and announcements to keep them coming back. 
Emails for Small Business with Constant Contact


  • Add a visitor signup to your website
  • Import in-house permission-based names
  • Includes 50 professional templates
  • Use templates as is or easily customize to match your brand
  • Add a "forward to friend" to every email
  • Manages and hosts your subscriber list
Constant Contact is easy and affordable -- TRY IT FREE and see for yourself.
Click here to sign up for your Free trial

Do you know about Grockit?

What is Grockit?

Grockit SAT video course
Free Sign-up
Grockit is the social network for learning - FREE SAT Prep course providing you with 20 hours of live online preparation in HD (High-Definition) - Grockit Test Prep / SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT

Grockit was created to improve the learning outcomes of students by applying the power of social networks, adaptive algorithms, and gaming mechanics to the process of learning and education. Whether preparing for a standardized test such as the SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, or LSAT or working toward mastering academic skills in Math, Reading, Science, or Social Science, Grockit students all over the world are choosing to study on Grockit.

How Grockit works

Grockit is an online interactive learning environment where students:
Complete a brief online diagnostic allowing Grockit topinpoint a student's academic strengths and needs to instantly generate a personalized study plan
Receive expert instruction personalized to their unique needs
Practice and compete with your peers in Grockit Group Study
Earn points and recognition for achievements that show status in the Grockit community
Complete timely "Challenges" to measure academic progress
Catch up or get ahead with just a couple of hours on Grockit each week

Introducing LinkShare Lightning - The AD Network for e-Commerce

Lead Gen Banner

What is LinkShare Lightning?

LinkShare Lightning is performance marketing redefined. It's an ad network for e-commerce and was created to compliment Affiliate Marketing. Designed to save time, LinkShare Lightning automatically maximizes ROI for Advertisers and commissions for Publishers by serving optimized ads that payout dynamically based on performance.

How It Works?

LinkShare Lightning is not Publisher-Advertiser relationship focused. The network optimizes ad distribution and Publisher payouts dynamically based on advanced optimization techniques. LinkShare Lightning CPA optimization technology, dubbed Ad Fabric (tm), has been developed in partnership with the Rakuten Institute of Technology (RIT). RIT is Rakuten’s R&D Lab where researchers develop innovative next-generation technologies for E-Commerce. 

LinkShare Lightning provides Advertisers and Publishers with simple interfaces to manage their accounts. Advertisers use the interface to enter ad budgets, set commission ranges, create campaigns, upload ad creative and track results. Advertisers can also prevent LinkShare Lightning from serving ads to certain Publisher sites. Publishers use the interface to obtain ad units, set target commission or range of commission and track results. Publishers can prevent LinkShare Lightning from serving of ads from specific Advertisers.

Differences Between LinkShare Affiliate Marketing and LinkShare Lightning
For those who already know the concept of affiliate networks and have worked with LinkShare, this is GOOD NEWS in true-sense. Now, you will be able to serve ADs from LinkShare lightning AD network without really having to worry about signing-up with individual advertisers. But, remember the current model of LinkShare affiliate network stays the same, if you are intending to sell products for numerous merchants on your website.

LinkShare Affiliate
LinkShare Lightning
Ad FilteringFull ControlLimited Filters
Blended Commission RateBase or HigherBase or Lower
Commission PotentialTieredDynamic Range
Access to Ad InventoryLimited to RelationshipAll
Ad DisplayManual PlacementManual Placement + Performance Optimized
TrackingClicks to CommissionImpressions to Commissions
Standard +
Private Source Tracking
Ad Placement Restrictions
Advertiser Specific
Lightning Specific

Create your own AD UNITS & Select the advertisers you want to include / exclude
Isn't this wonderful that you will be able to decide and filter the advertisers you want to include/exclude from AD display on your website thru LinkShare Lightning AD Network.
Also, you can decide between "Best Performing" v/s "Most Popular".

List Of Top Social Media Network Sites

Here is a list of categories for List of top Social Media Sites that you can find:
Publication tools

  1. Wikis
  2. Blogs
  3. Citizen Journalism Portals
Sharing tools

  1. Video sharing tools
  2. Picture sharing tools
  3. Link sharing tools
  4. Music sharing tools
  5. Slideshow sharing tools
  6. Product feedback sharing tools
Discussion tools

  1. Forums
  2. Video forums
  3. Instant messaging
  4. VoIP

Social Media places

  1. Social Network
  2. Niche Social network
  3. Micromedia Publications
Social Aggregation
Livecasting Platforms

  1. Livecast Hosting platforms
  2. Mobile equivalent
Virtual Spaces

  1. Virtual Worlds
  2. 3D Chats
  3. Virtual Universes
Social gaming

  1. Social Gaming platforms
  2. Casual Gaming platforms
  3. Social network enabled games
  4. Massively multi-player online games

Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs For 2011 - Investopedia.com

If you're deciding how you'd like to break into the jobmarket, or if you're looking to embark on your second (or third, or fourth) career, there are a lot of factors to consider. While your ideal career should primarily be something that interests you, you would do well to check out the pay, type of education required, number of jobs available and years of experience required for the position. With the help of online salary database and career site PayScale.com, we have compiled a list of 10 high-paying jobs that scored the best when considering all of these factors together. (Do you dream of ditching your long commute to work in the comfort of your home? These jobs could be for you! See Top 4 At-Home Financial Jobs.)

Click here to read entire story on Investopedia.com - Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs For 2011 - Investopedia.com

Developing Web Video for Profit

In a recent online study*, Elastic Path found that people are watching large amounts of video online and on an increasing variety of devices – no surprise there. But the study also finds that viewers are also starting to warm up to the idea of paying for online video. That’s very good news. Creating and marketing online video can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. It’s time to make those videos earn.

YouTube is, as expected, far and away the leader in the online video space with 81 percent of respondents claiming to have used YouTube in the last 12 months. However, 34 percent used Netflix and 19 percent used iTunes/Apple TV – both paid services. Even more encouraging, 43 percent of total viewers in the survey actually paid to watch online video (excluding adult content).

Read entire story on WebSiteMagazine.com - Developing Web Video for Profit

Great Ideas Start Here!
Request a free subscription to Website Magazine and receive four issues each year. Topics include search marketing, Web design and development, social media, mobile, software and more.

All About Conversion - Conversion Conference ($250 Discount!)

Just a quick note for the Website Magazine community - particularly for fans of the Conversion Cache column in Website Magazine written by Tim Ash. 

The upcoming Conversion Conversion is fast approaching - March 14-15 in San Francisco.

If you're interesting in learning how to make your website and its landing pages produce more conversions, this is most definitely the conference for you. This is a unique event with 20 education sessions, live website critiques, roundtable lunches with speakers and one of the best keynote lineups I've seen including Tim Ash (WM columnist and author of Landing Page Optimziation), Bryan Eisenberg, Thomas Davenport and Michael Summers.

If that weren't enough, you will also have the opportunity to hob-knob with other attendees - many of whom are from very high profile companies including eBay, GoDaddy, MAttel, Google, Adobe, CareerBuilder, Orbitz, Kohls and others.

Website Magazine Discount for Conversion Conference: 
One last thing - use Promo code WM15 during registration and you'll automatically receive $250 off the registration price. Pretty sweet, right? Tell them Website Magazine sent you!

Liked Results – Bing Really Likes Facebook

Much like Google’s integration of Twitter is driving Web professionals to pay even closer attention to that social media destination, Bing’s announcement today that it expanded integration of Facebook “Likes” promises to do the same.

Read entire story here: Liked Results – Bing Really Likes Facebook

Great Ideas Start Here!
Request a free subscription to Website Magazine and receive four issues each year. Topics include search marketing, Web design and development, social media, mobile, software and more.
Free Website Trade Publication >> Website Magazine - 4 FREE ISSUES

Nearly Half of Americans Use Facebook; Only 7% Use Twitter [STUDY] - Mashable

A new report from eMarketer finds that most adult Americans with Internet access use Facebook at least once a month, and a full 42.3% of the entire American population was using the site as of this month.

By contrast, Twitter‘s penetration rate was much lower, sitting at around 7% of the total population and 9% of the Internet-using population, according to the report.

Read entire story on Mashable: Nearly Half of Americans Use Facebook; Only 7% Use Twitter [STUDY]

Social Media Tips from Kodak

Integrated Web & Social Media Analytics

We are observing an increasing use of web analytics software to measure website metrics and is booming. According to an article in BtoB Magazine, the web analytics market is expected to touch $954M mark by 2014.

If you give a close look @ most of the analytics packages sold today, they are stand-alone analytics systems from 3rd party vendors, such as Google Analytics, Omniture, CoreMetrics, and WebTrends.

So, what do we mean by stand-alone analytics packages? By the term stand-alone we mean these analytics packages are not natively integrated with CMS (Content Management System). There are certain drawbacks to using these stand-alone analytics packages, which basically is resulting into one-way communication.

Want to read more about integrated analytics - Download whitepaper here

What are the benefits of Integrated Analytics into the CMS?

  1. Integrated analytics helps drive persuasive content on your website
  2. Getting the most persuasive content on every web page can improve your website ROI
  3. Integrating analytics with your CMS eliminates the "action chasm"
  4. Content authors can be guided by analytics in real time
  5. Integrated analytics helps you visualize the relationship between web page design and metrics more clearly
  6. Integrated analytics saves time and money
  7. Metrics can be reliably measured, all the time, for every page on your website without manual page tapping
  8. Integrated analytics ensures data accuracy
  9. An integrated suite of web applications can greatly shorten the learning curve
  10. Simplifies your IT infrastructure

Above is a high-level snapshot of the benefits of integrated analytics compared to stand-alone analytics, based on a white paper published by Brett Zucker - Bridgeline Software's Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer.

"With Bridgeline Digital’s next generation iAPPS Analytics solution, your business can now have deep, data-level integration as well as dynamic and “analytics-driven” delivery of persuasive content on your website. Deliver a more personalized and targeted user experience to your site visitors with website analytics."

Actionable Web Analytics

iAPPS Analytics combines ease-of-use with a full suite of clickstream reports for visitor metrics, event watches and overall traffic. Navigation reports are also available for traffic analysis, click-through path analysis, scenario funnels, and page overlays for click density maps.

Powerful Integration

Implementing iAPPS Analytics will dramatically benefit each module within the iAPPS Product Suite through integrated, real-time reporting and analysis.

Deliver Targeted, Persuasive Content

You can now easily manage and deliver persuasive content based on specific visitor segments or profiles. iAPPS Content Manager can dynamically deliver content to targeted profiles or even by specific user actions and behaviors on the site.

Powerful Integration

Implementing iAPPS Analytics will dramatically benefit each module within the iAPPS Product Suite through integrated, real-time reporting and analysis.

Automatic Tracking and Tagging

Eliminate the manual and costly process of tagging individual pages that is required in many web analytics solutions. IAPPS Analytics automatically adds page tags to all newly created content, so pages can never be missing from reports and problems associated with lost analytic data due to poorly located tracking tags are virtually eliminated

Access and Control

All modules in the iAPPS Product Suite use an integrated, shared administration model allowing users to be assigned roles for content management, analytics, or both with a single login across all iAPPS applications.

Deployment Flexibility

Like all modules in the iAPPS Product Suite, iAPPS Analytics is offered as a flexible SaaS – Software-as-a-Service – licensing model or, for those who prefer to keep their web applications in house, as a perpetual license as well. Furthermore, iAPPS Analytics has built-in support for administrative and end-user access allowing for management of secure business applications as well as public websites.