Why do we use Social Media?

  1. One idea behind using social media is to grow your brand's positive impression and actively engage the potential and existing customer-base in all activities that can directly or indirectly benefit them
  2. Using social media for better customer service is another area. Companies can make sure that they respond quickly to complains and suggestions. They key is to let the customers know that their concerns and voice is being heard and addressed. Brands such as Comcast, Southwest Airlines, Equifax and many others are using social media very effectively to address customer concerns and provide better customer service. Companies don't always need to use social media as a sales tool. They can use the medium as customer retention tool as well, as a part of their marketing strategy. 
  3. Many companies have already started using social media as a very effective recruiting tool.
A successful socials media campaign creates circular momentum around many social platforms such as LinkedIn group, web site applications, YouTube channel, eNewsletter, smart phone apps, Twitter promotions, Facebook polls, Webinars

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