Do you know about Grockit?

What is Grockit?

Grockit SAT video course
Free Sign-up
Grockit is the social network for learning - FREE SAT Prep course providing you with 20 hours of live online preparation in HD (High-Definition) - Grockit Test Prep / SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT

Grockit was created to improve the learning outcomes of students by applying the power of social networks, adaptive algorithms, and gaming mechanics to the process of learning and education. Whether preparing for a standardized test such as the SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, or LSAT or working toward mastering academic skills in Math, Reading, Science, or Social Science, Grockit students all over the world are choosing to study on Grockit.

How Grockit works

Grockit is an online interactive learning environment where students:
Complete a brief online diagnostic allowing Grockit topinpoint a student's academic strengths and needs to instantly generate a personalized study plan
Receive expert instruction personalized to their unique needs
Practice and compete with your peers in Grockit Group Study
Earn points and recognition for achievements that show status in the Grockit community
Complete timely "Challenges" to measure academic progress
Catch up or get ahead with just a couple of hours on Grockit each week

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