Daily Deal Aggregation at Offers.com - Saturation?

Last week Offers.com announced the debut of its Local City Deals at the Daily Deals Summit in New York City. Does the Web need an aggregation service for daily deals? Offers.com apparently believes so, but consumers will most definitely have the last word on whether its actually wanted. 

Offers from local daily deal sites like Groupon, LivingSocial, CrowdSavings, Entertainment.com, Restaurant.com and others will be aggregated and provided to consumers through one website (and one email) to access daily deals from over 75 U.S. cities. 

"Everyone loves having a bunch of daily deals to choose from each day, but who has time to sort through multiple emails each morning to find the best deals in their area? Local City Deals at Offers.com  gives you the best of both worlds – all of the local deals for your city, plus the top three offers hand-selected by our editors. You can find all of that on our site, or you can sign up for your Local City Deals email to get one email every morning," said Steve Schaffer, founder and CEO of Offers.com.

Source -
Website Magazine

Better Bing Business Portal Arrives

Bing has made a few important improvements to (and renamed) its local business directory offering. The beta version adds the ability for owners to create, claim and manage listings and perhaps more importantly, promote special deals. 

Bing's Local Listing Center is now called Bing Business Portal and lets owners add content to their listings such as photos, logos and information beyond the basics, such as menus for restaurants, parking availability, holiday hours and types of payments accepted.

Read entire story here - Better Bing Business Portal Arrives

Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Arrives

This week Adobe announced the new Adobe® Creative Suite® 5.5 product line.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the release is that designers and developers will be able to target popular and emerging smartphone and tablet platforms. Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 includes the Web Premium Suite, which focuses on mobile applications on Android, Blackberry, Tablet OS, iOS and other platforms. It also uses HTML5 to make rich browser-based content across screens and uses Flash Player for videos, casual games and Internet applications.

Click here to read entire article on Website Magazine - Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Arrives

Managing Web Content with Microsoft SharePoint: Possibilities and Parameters

Source - SiteCore.com

Download your whitepaper copy now Managing Web Content with Microsoft SharePoint

It's essential for any company, in any industry, to choose a web content management (WCM) solution that both meets immediate requirements and supports longer-term, strategic business needs for change and growth.

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You will learn the strategic impact of choosing a full-fledged, “future-proof” WCM solution such as Sitecore, in comparison to pressing an ECM application, such as SharePoint, into duty for web content management. See a feature-by-feature comparison, and examine the downstream impact of this choice on the IT organization, in the context of two critical business issues:
This paper also discusses optimal scenarios for SharePoint, and how Sitecore and SharePoint can co-exist, helping companies to extract maximum value from their investments in both providers’ solutions.

5 Key Ingredients of Social Media for Your Website

Click here - 5 Key Ingredients of Social Media for Your Website  to download your copy of free e-book...

Why do you need to use social media? Web communities like Facebook and Twitter not only have huge numbers of users, but are also impacting the way prospects expect to interact with companies.

See how leading brands have created an integrated, multichannel strategy by working within social networks like Facebook and Twitter to reach website goals, find new prospects and engage with existing customers.

In this eBook, you'll learn:

  • The best approach to increase traffic to your website from online communities
  • How to build trust and deepen engagement with prospects and customers
  • How to get the most out of user-generated content for your on-site community