Google Analytics & WebMaster Tools – Does your site have SiteMap?

Are you a WordPress Blogger or have your own site/blog but dont have SITEMAP XML?

If you are planning to track your visitors, improve the conversions and performance of website, I would recommend you sign-up for Google analytics and Webmaster tools.

SitemapIn June 2005, Google announced a new service called Google Sitemaps. This program allows webmaster to submit an index of URLs which they want to have included in Google's web search. It’s free to use and helps Google to get a more complete overview of your pages.

In order for Google to crawl through your site/pages it needs a special file called SITEMAP.XML. For my wordpress friends this is very easily achievable using the following plugins:

1. Google XML Sitemaps (Search in WordPress Plugins)
2. Google XML Sitemaps with Multisite support

Install the plug-in, Activate, and Configure the settings for the plug-ins… You may have to force create the SITEMAP 1st time. This plug-in(s) take care of submitting the sitemap xml file to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others.

Good luck, with WebMasters and Analytics.

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